Who are We ?
en toutes saisons is a real estate agency sepcialised in holiday homes rental.
SARL with a capital of €150.000
The company is based 48, Rue Gambetta – 24220 Saint-Cyprien.
SIRET Identification : 89323792500019.
APE : 6831Z
VAT Identification number : FR32893237925
The company executives, Mrs Sabine Grossemy and Mr Christophe Gaudin have a professionnal real estate agent card, n°CPI 20402 2021 000 000 003, delivered on February 2021 the 18th, by the Préfecture of the Dordogne.
Their real estate activity is ruled by the law n°70-9 of January the 2nd 1970 called « Loi Hoguet », and its implementing decree n°72-678 of July the 20th 1972.
The funds from the receiver’s bank account of the company are insured by a real estate professionnals guarantee company, the SOCAF, or an amount of €300.000.
The company is insured wih a professionnal civil liabilty contract for its profession, with the insurance company AXA FRANCE IARD – n° 10792567404, according to the obligations fixed by the law quoted above.
Head Office :
en toutes saisons
48, Rue Gambetta
24220 Saint-Cyprien
Cénac's Office:
254, rue de la république
24250 Cénac-et-Saint-Julien
Phone number: +33 (0)5 53 31 27 67
Email: contact@en-toutes-saisons.com
Website hosting & programmation
21 Bis rue de la cage verte 33200 Bordeaux
8 rue louis Aragon 31140 Toulouse
Website Design
64 rue du Caillou gris - 31200 Toulouse
Tél : 05 61 13 10 84
Mobile. 06 100 95 200
Photos’ copyright
en toutes saisons.